Predict the future


I wrote a script in Python that helps Ethical Hackers like me hack Wi-Fi Networks ethically of course! To successfully use this script ethically you need a Wi-Fi Card and have to be Root on your Linux machine.

Information Gathering Tool

I wrote a script in Python that helps Ethical Hackers like me Gather Information on domains and servers with each during penetration tests. This script has the potential to pull the location of an Ip address, scan for Open Ports and run a Whois scan.

WiFi Credentials Stealer

I wrote a script in Python that helps Ethical Hackers like me conduct pentest projects with ease. This script uses some python libraries to scan the system to pull Wi-Fi network names, passwords and security keys (IF ANY). feel free to view the project documentation and watch the video I have posted there.


python script that helps users gather information about a specific target. This tool offers Ip tracking, Username lookup, Phone number lookup


A malware written in python that has the capability to steal data from the clipboard of the infected victim. This malware makes use of ntfy server to deliver the stolen data to the attacker and the shocking part is it attaches itself to the startup apps folder in the victim's machine so when the machine is rebooted the malware starts again undetected.