
Winston. I

5/23/20242 min read

Ghunter is a script written i python to assist ethical hackers in their work. Ghunter can be used to lookup a username, lookup an ip address and a phone number as well. Today I will show you how to use Ghunter.

First, we have to clone the repo from gihub.

git clone

Note: If you use windows just head over to my github repo and download the exe.

After cloning the repository cd into the directory

cd GHunter

next, we have to install the required modules and i have created a python file to help with that



As you can see in the above image, we are presented with four options. let's try all except no2 because we really don't need that now. so we will try no1

As you can see in the image above our script was able to lookup the given ip and brought out useful results.Now well try no3 to lookup a phone number.

As you can see in the image above our script was able to lookup the given phone number and brought out useful results. if you notice, you'll see that there's no info for the operator, and the 'type' says "this is another type of number" which basically means it's a spoofed or fake number. so basically, this script can also help you detect legitimate and illegitimate numbers. That being said we move unto the last trick of the day.

With no4 you can type a username and the script will search some social media platforms to see if the user exists.